
time is a runaway....

roll your windows down the summer's nearly gone...and only hours stand between you and the cold that's comin' on...Summer leaves you like the girl who gets away. and we sit here stranded in a careless hue. Time is a runaway comin' for you.

I love those lyrics. Isn't is weird to think how quickly life passes you by, and just how fast things change. How people can be completely different in a year- sadly, i wonder if i ever really knew them at all. 2008 has flown by, it's hard to believe the summer is ending...I feel like my birthday was yesterday. When I sit here and actually think about it...I'll be honest, it scares me. To think of all I want to do in life...and I'm already 25! Haha but here's the thing...I love that feeling...i embrace it, that feeling of being scared but excited about what lies ahead, what decisions I will make now that will affect where I am at in 10 years. Its scary but it reminds me that i am alive and that i am the only one who can change my approach to life and my outlook on situations. Living in the moment is amazing for a season but i have done it for too long and now its time to look foward to buying my house, to start making good decisions, and finally taking care of my heart. for when i eventually find a true love, someone who makes me complete, someone who is certain with who they are and what they want, and will love passionately without holding back a damn thing. I cant wait to share that with someone. Living in the moment is fun and definitely a rush, but i have decided is not the healthiest thing for me. For the time being, I do miss planning life WITH someone but alas, it's possible to be completely content planning for and by myself. Being surrounded by new friends, appreciating my family, making new plans, pondering new business ideas, cherishing the little things, and soaking up the positive things in life...

I'm standing on the edge of something good...I can feel it. I hope you are too.

Post scrpit: if you're needing new music look up 2 of my favourite bands
1. Castledoor
2. The alternate routes


Amber, Amberlyjoy, Amberlin said...

Your words always make me happy. <3 you.

mmcfarland483 said...
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mmcfarland483 said...

"Living in the moment is amazing for a season." I love your use of "season"...wonderful. And I second your sentiment. Making plans for the future, with someone as a team, is something that is definitely fulfilling, but it is always good to remember that we should be content on our own...finding that happiness within ourselves. Because then, when our paths do cross that of the people we are supposed to be with, we are whole individuals who can go day to day knowing that we are fine on our own and, knowing that, we can better appreciate their place in ours lives. The icing on the cake, if you will.