
pet peeves.....a list.

1. I strongly dislike those stickers (mostly found on mini vans) of stick figure families representing the people in your own family. People try to get clever and switch it up by having sandals instead of stick figures...but we all know what it means.

2. When people don't say what they really mean and you're just left guessing.

3. When I get a project at the last minute and feel like my creativity is limited.

4. When ugly drunken men in their mid 30's at the pool think they are God's gift to women and assume they can just float over and start talking.

5. When I leave my house without my chapstick, it is really one of the worst feelings. I'm a sucker for soft lips.

6. Drinking and driving. Don't be dumb.

Ps: this morning I got a fresh cup of Russ' sludge (black coffee aka: the sweet nectar from heaven) from the breakroom. I went to greet Blake with a "high five" on the descent his hand went into my cup of coffee, it flew out of my hands and all over the ground. We just laughed and walked off.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm pretty sure i've seen a family of 4 sea turtles on a scion before.

p.s. you should have a special chapstick just for your car...i'm just sayin'