
5 Years Ago Today.

It was July 23, 2007 and I was on my way to Mexico to shoot my very first wedding. At the time, I think I decided to charge $200 haha. To be honest I had no idea what to expect and no idea what I was doing. All I remember is after it was all over I said I would never EVER shoot another wedding again. And I didn't...until February 2010.  What I have realized about myself is that I tend to get into things that are over my head...because it forces me to learn. Between 2007 and 2010 I practiced taking photographs and editing. I would book smaller shoots until I felt comfortable trying again.

I never thought that just 3 years after saying "I will never shoot a wedding again" I would quit my job and shortly after that I would own a wedding photography studio in Dallas, TX. I love shooting weddings with all of my heart. I love my business partner, our studio and the images that we make. I have the best clients.

Next month I am flying to California & Maui for weddings and I am so thankful that I kept going when things got hard. Don't compare yourself or try to be someone else. Use YOUR talents...give your photos a unique twist.

Be inspired everyday to be better. If what you're doing isn't working for you...try a different approach. Dream big and get in over your head. Always throw yourself into it again...you just might realize you love it.