
Random things that I thought about today...

while looking out the Excursion window.

1. December 2006: Maui. Me and about 25 friends that are locals. I get off the plane they make me change into my bathing suit while riding with the windows down in their jeep. We went straight to the waterfalls in Kehei. I jumped immediately then climbed onto a rock in the middle of the ocean. A friend noticed puddle of blood, lets just say I have a huge scar under my toe from that trip:) hiking 2 miles shoeless up in Hana prob didn't help. We got tiny bananas and mangoes and ate them in a convertible while it was raining.

2. I saw a hawk waiting on the wires searching for their next victim.

3. I want to run in sprinklers.

4. In 7th grade we had a gigantic food fight in the basement at Crystal Cathedral Academy...anytime I see angel food cake I immediately think of that day.

5. "Cheese curds" is not a good name if you are trying to make food sound appealing and/or delicious. I felt dirty even typing it.


Jamie said...

I was in the stanton library when i first saw your injured foot. I gagged more when I read the word "curds" - now I need a shower.

Anonymous said...

note: purchase sprinkler(s)