
red hair.

today my coworker (who is a PC guru) was on the phone....after he hung up he said, "i bet she has red hair." The rest of us laughed and were confused by his odd assumption based off of one quick phone converstation with someone he has never talked to and will more than likely never meet. I asked him why he thought that...he said he had no idea, "she just seemed like someone who would have red hair." Then we all went on with our projects.

it kind of reminds me of something i do. When I talk to people before meeting them I create a picture of what they will look like in my head. I also do this about what their apt/house looks like, what picture they have on their wall, what color their shower curtain is, what pots and pans they have in their kitchen, if they have those little bottles with oil and plants in them from pier 1, what their car will smell like, if they will like the smell of old books or magazines, or senarios that will take place when i hang out with this person...i plan ahead without even really knowing people. I always have to have something to look forward to and i have always been like this....even if it's a made up plan, it's still fun and the actual plan always ends up being just as exciting and somewhat similar to my fictitious brain plans.

I get to see one of my friends from Florida whom I haven't seen in about 5 years. I already have a picture of what he will look like in my head, what clothes he'll probably be wearing, and I can see us having a BBQ/pool party with our old group of friends reminiscing about old stories from 3rd grade, crushes, tree houses, midnight tag in the park after hopping the fence and singing competitons. I know that it will be good times and it's fun to enjoy those times even before they actually happen:)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I have to have something to look forward to" - that is one of the very first things you ever told me about yourself. i remember the exact moment - imagine that.