
reactions and helpful hints.

67% of people react horribly to situations. After a day or two passes they will more than likely regret the way they chose to respond in the heat of the moment. I have gotten really good at not having immediate reactions...I have learned to ponder on things and choose words wisely. sometimes I don't...sometimes my chest gets red, my fists clench and I bite my cheeks. It is much better to think before acting and/or speaking than to live life regreting how you've reacted inwardly or outwardly. If I have learned anything within the past couple of months it is that I will no longer be surprised at anything. Nothing shocks me anymore, and I don't put anything past anyone. Humans are capable of doing some crazy, twisted crap. People will constantly disappoint you with poor decision making skills, lies, mindgames, immaturity and lack of responsibility...do these people get far in life? Sure they do. They are so damn good at mastering the art of trickery...but it only takes one person to figure them out. Ever say to yourself, "I don't get it! What were they thinking?! "I wonder what was going through their mind?" here are some helpful hints as to what they may or may not have been thinking:

1. Defend yourself to the death.

2. Your sole concern is making sure you come out on top of a situation.

3. Don't care who you step on or hurt to get to your next fix.

4. Blame others, always.

5. Lie and twist things to make others look like the crazy ones and make yourself look like the one who's got it all together. When in all reality it was you who caused the craziness in the first place by not being honest and stringing people along in your sick game.

6. Get others on your side before they figure you out.

7. Spy on people to figure out what they know. Or just because you're bored. Justify it by either saying " i need to know what to expect when I see that person next" or "i had a feeling."

8. Turn people against each other to save your own ass.

9. Never deal with things...flip a switch. Start something new. NEXT!

10. Most importantly: never get caught. If you feel like you are about to...play the pity game, say you'll do anything to change when the entire time you know you won't. Say you're destructive and a poison so that people want to help you and be there for you, and love you even when you've kicked them around. Promise things with every intention of breaking them. If you have to tell the "truth" write it in email so people can't catch you off guard or in a lie.

This is in no way to be viewed as an "attack" persay, but rather as simply a warning to those who may one day find themselves in a situation similar to mine. Hopefully you've read this and learned something about yourself... If you don't like what I have to say, click the little x in the corner.

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