
umm hating yourself?

from a book i have read twice. this will, once again, be long...but tis very informative, chew on it.

"I was in a desperate need of a big healthy dose of unconditional self-love. The contrary, self-hatred, builds walls around the heart and keeps love from freely flowing in and out. Since, I had those walls, I don't supposed I should be surprised that my relationships crumbled. I can't give away what i don't have. Because I had only conditional love for myself, I had only conditional love for Angela. Not only did this allow the demise of our relationship to become a certainty, but it also limited other close personal relationships in my life. Self-hatred, whether obvious or underlying, ensures that our most intimate relationships will reach only a certain depth, a depth much more shallow than would otherwise be reached if both contributors loved themselves. Self-hatred makes it far too easy to use other people up, tire of them, and arrogantly move on to the next source of surface gratification. Love is neither guaranteed nore limitless unless it comes from God."

funny that i was flipping through the pages of this book and opened it to this paragraph after writing about once having a hardened heart. hmm. kinda ties it all together.

post script: i took this picture while dancing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love it when you read something and you know it was meant for that exact moment. that is was placed in front of you for your eyes to see and your mind to take in. love it.