
cranky pants...the blog.

Cloudy mornings in southern California have always been my favourite. Anytime the morning is crisp I appreciate air more, like I feel every breath enter my lungs. Some people do not appreciate said mornings as much as me and my sentimental heart. I close my eyes and escape to a cabin with tall trees, I remember my cousin and I building ramps for our bikes, and the way the pine trees smelled when they had fresh morning dew on them. I remember sitting around a campfire when I was little, listening to the crackling fire while one of our family friends played "ten gallon hat" on the guitar. Those days were good. We had forts, we laughed hard, we entertained ourselves and didn't have a care in the world. I am knocked back into reality when some cranky man next to me in sbux started raising his voice at the barista. Then another woman chimed in. I thought the customers were going to take down the employees. I shook my head, and watched in dismay...was it really the end of the world if your toffee nut latte was made with the wrong percentage of milk? I swear, we focus on the wrong things, we waste our energy on pointless things....when really, it's just a cup of coffee. I quickly grabbed my black coffee and ran out the door...I needed to get back to my happy place, these coffee addicts are lunatics! ;)


I can't stop sneezing. said...

you said it, sister. I've had people walk out in anger when we were out of skim milk. Without coffee.

Jamie said...

i can see the look of dismay on your face - were your eyebrows in the shape of a tent?