
a bed blog.

hi. I'm really lagging on these blogs...that's unacceptable.

I'm in bed with my faithful companion chewy...we are listening to the sound of a ceiling fan, a low hum from the television downstairs, the electrical buzzing from the telephone wires and the soft freeway sounds in the distance from the 405. I drift off into a zone. I stare past the brightness of my iPhone screen to pitch black, nothingness. I try to imagine what my room would be like if tiny fireflies were glowing in my room... How pretty it would be until I realize that there are buzzing insects in my room and I have a mild heart attack. Now before I sleep I have to replay things from today and analyze them. Tonight after the bonfire Tass said..."meeting people is an interesting thing"we paused while listening to "Define Me" by brett young. She said "steph, if lauren didn't get rushed to the hospital I wouldve never gotten my job at the hospital. If I didn't work at the hospital I wouldve never met you in HR. If I wouldn't have met you I wouldve have met KJ then wouldn't have met a angie and justine. And we wouldn't have all been at that bonfire tonight." we had a moment. It was nice.

A list of random things things:

1. I discussed Binomial Nomenclature with my friend EVA before she left for Europe.
2. Met a crazy man who was a photographer AND math tutor according to his business card. Of course I have a pic with him.
3. I do many things spontaneously and I like it.
4. Jean and I had Indian food while discussing last minute roadtrip to San fran and sagg paneer is my favourite thing. Oh and pannnnties!
5. Ps: I love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:) I like being quoted.
and yeah those pic of the condo....AMAZING