
walking in the park....eating cake.

this is my sister, and i miss her.

Thursday's are national "i want to be..." days. 47% of Americans are not happy with their career...believe me, 47%...really. ohhh statistics. I got an A-. Anyway, specifically on Thursdays we all turn to our friends (or text them) and say "i want to be _______" then you fill in the blank. Por Ejemplo, "I want to be a cage fighter today, I mean it IS Thursday."...."I want to drive an ice cream truck and blare the beach boys." It's very exciting, and you will be surprised at what you come up with.

Also, when you are feeling low....or high, actually whenever you want...call up a friend and burst out into a song...see if they can finish it, if they can...you proceed to give them "props". I did this today, best songs we came up with:

"skyrockets in flight...afternoon delight"

"a friend's a friend forever..."

"And there were flashes of light. there were things I'd never do again...but then they'd always seemed right. There were nights of endless pleasure. BABY BABY BABY"

So lately, like the last couple of months i have been a workoutaholic....wow, it becomes addicting. I go almost everyday and it...takes my breath away (that was sung in falsetto). I feel the best I have in along time. Being physically fit is good...and well, it's hot.

Today i complimented my mom's shoes (they were Croc's with straps) i said, "nice shoes mom"....to which she replied, "i know you hate them." we both just laughed, then she said chewy thought I looked like an alien. it was a good mother-daughter conversation.

see you at the pool tomorrow for claudia time! :)
PS: if people reading this have not seen the comment left on the previous blog...it's pretty much thee best paragraph of words ever haha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahahah chewy thought moms shoes looked like an alien!! wish i couldve been there for that...miss u! i love that picture by the way =] we're cute!