
Tuesday night.

random factoids and funny things:

just got back from a night run around the neighborhood. I was not mugged.

my new motto, "i drink coffee to stay awake and take pills to go to sleep"...that's not good. I think i need a new motto.

tomorrow for "work" we are all going to the OC fair.

my friend's advice when my eyes look tired today, "listen to some journey now and get black coffee to get you through the rest of your day"...she knows me so well. i did just that.

i will go to Laguna this weekend with maggie for adventure and delicious food.

funny convo about alcoholic beverages:

me: "i have a 2 drink minimum."

not me: "yeah everyone should have that. you mean maximum?"

me: "wow. haha yes, maximum. like I'm a comedy club or something?"


Jen said...


I will be in San Francisco. I will wave at you during our stay and hope you see me. :)

Anonymous said...

yay for taking friend's advice.