
"What bums you out Steph?"

A man asked me this very question 3 days ago...and for once I found myself stumbling over my words. I stared at him and said...wow, not much really. It did get me thinking though...far more things make me happy than bum me out. A small list:

Things I find great joy in:
1. the sound of my parents laughing when they watch the Andy Griffith show.
2. the way Krys' head shakes and no sound comes out of her mouth when i made her laugh hard.
3. words. They make me laugh. Tonight someone said the word "behemoth" and i laughed for a solid minute.
4. watching people do something they absolutely love doing...or hearing them talk about it.
5. stories of travels...i could listen to that for hours.
6. making up dances with friends.
7. "first word that comes to your mouth!" (you shout this phrase and point at friends, until a word or sound is forced from their mouth"
8. sourdough toast with lots of butter and black coffee in the mornings. I love to make the perfect teeth bite in the toast.
9. sucking the candy shell off of the M & M and then squishing the soft chocolate with my tongue.
10. sleepy voices.
11. designing and photography...but most of all being inspired to try something new, and wanting to drop everything and do it right then.
12. music...oh wow, i love lyrics...they pour straight into my soul and make my bone marrow happy.

Things that bum me out:
1. when people talk during a song I want them to really GET, when they don't truly listen to the meaning of the song.
2. people with negative attitudes.
3. when cookies have tons of frosting on them. i scrape it off.
4. when I go to unplug my computer and hit my head on my desk.
5. when I have to pay 1400 dollars out of pocket to get my gums sliced open for wisdom teeth removal.
6. when people intentionally put down others and I can't be there to say anything or put them in their place.


moondog said...

oh man, things that bum you out #1 and #3 i am so with you on those two. i have one as well: when you text someone who is supposed to be your friend a simple "yes/no" question and they don't say anything back. ever. maybe that's more of a "things that piss me off" rather than a "things that bum me out"....

I can't stop sneezing. said...

you are the bestest.