
Life lesson #6...

If you are a person that suffers from OTS (Obsessive Thought Syndrome) picture a black sheet or curtain (i have found that black velvet curtain is most affective) prior to falling asleep. if you're lucky it will work. I have been suffering from this condition for years now and it's only gotten worse in my old age...i will be 25 in may. It's a dangerous syndrome.... It rules my nightlife and takes precious hours of slumber away each night. It takes me and hour-1 and 45 minutes to fall asleep each night. I have always wondered what it would be like to say, "my head hit the pillow and I was out like a light" that has never once happened to me. But I'm telling you, velvet curtains will be your best friend.


Unknown said...

good to know.
i have a problem sleeping too.

Amber, Amberlyjoy, Amberlin said...

Did you know... my darling Gemini friend... that the Gemini key phrase is, "I think"? Tis true. It's hard to turn off the ever spinning madness in our heads. I think things in circles. Like saying a word so many times over that it no longer sounds like a legitimate word? I do that with my thoughts.

Anonymous said...

what about a white wicker chair with some sort of item sitting on top? ;-)