

Brains are a funny thing...mine won't stop racing, ever. Today more than usual. Last night I was up til 4am only to wake up at 8am to the craziest day I've had in awhile. Things have been going great, I have nothing to complain about, it just seems like right when you're doing okay something happens to test you...to see how you react to it. I don't really want to get into much now but let me focus on the good things that happened out of today:

1. I got my own office, which is much bigger.
2. I got a raise.

I love being challenged and right now more than ever, I need to be soaking up every ounce of knowledge I can get to better myself in my career because opportunity for advancement I have realized is around every corner, I also realize that things can be taken away from you so quickly...one day at a time. So lynda.com and ImSteph.com are going to be best friends for A LONG time.

on another note...here is my new (undecorated) office...:) 2 coffee's, duh.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

im glad you survived your crazy day. "keep your chin up, grant!"