
The perfect Friday @ work...

Hello from an iphone! so it's the 2nd day of spring and it feels like summer, I love it. I am currently in shorts and a tank top sitting in front of my office with a smoothie that I got earlier this morning with a pal... The sun is beating down on my white body and it feels good to burn and be alive. I think everyone should have Fridays like this...during lunch break go get a piƱa colada by the beach, drive with the windows down, sit outside and smell the ocean. I feel bad for those of you who are not in smelling distance of the ocean. I had such a great night last night...refreshing if you will. Its great meeting new people! Time to get back to designing some fall layouts and listening to john cougar mellancanp. Good day friends!


SleepyMaggie said...

I want to smell the beach...just not the DOG beach.

Amber, Amberlyjoy, Amberlin said...

Yeah. You are killing me. "within smelling distance of the ocean" I'd settle for within shining distance of the sun! ;o)

HAPPY FRIDAY, my dearest. One more lousy closing night shift (off at midnight or so) and then a 3 day weekend for me!!