
brown sugar & cuddles vs. snuggles.

ever wonder what the difference is between cuddling and snuggling? Let me break it down for you...cuddles are what you do on the couch with a blanket... with your feet in socks playing footsies with other feet in socks. You enjoy the flicker of the tv lights on the other person's face. You want nothing more at that moment, but to have your arm around them...holding them close. keeping them safe.

Snuggles are what you do with someone in bed when you're getting cozy....you find the perfect spot to snuggle into. Where you feel warm and safe for the night. Sometimes you make little sounds, while adjusting...you want nothing more at that moment but to fall asleep skin to skin, with the warmth of being wrapped in love for an entire night.

So there you have it.

And brown sugar...always in oatmeal never in sweet tea.

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