
The best part of waking up...

is Foldger's in your cup. I have found this to be the most true thing I have ever said. Do you ever read a word and find that it looks weird, or mispelled? Have you said it over and over again until it doesn't even sound like a word, and you can't even remember it being apart of the enlish language. I did that with the word Foldger's...i know that's the saying on the coffee commerical, and i've smelled it many-a-time BUT...my brain never thinks about the word specifically.

Wow it's 2008 and I haven't written on here in 5 months. I have nothing clever to say "wow, how time flies"..."where have the month's gone"...i simply have forgotten about this blog. Until now. I understand, no one reads my blogs. So they are basically for me. I also realized how much i missed them...the mere satisfaction i get when i read what i liked a year ago...and how much of a huge nerd i still am.

things that i have come to realize over the last 5 months:

1. glasses make people way more interesting.

2. if you throw a hat on that person wearing glasses, i actually have to stop myself from wanting to go up and talk to them.

3. malibu pineapple orange....you can never have enough.

4. i love humans...all of them. they make my brain think, my heart hurt, my mouth smile, my head tilt back from laughter...every single one i come across intrigues me. i can't help it. i like to study them....their reactions, facial expressions...the way words form in their mouths after a thought is processed. I can see the entire thing in their eyes. I wonder, why they chose that night to wear their hair up or down...how much time was spend on their outfit, if guys think they look hotter when they wear tight jeans or baggy jeans, if a girl shaved her legs because she thought she was going to get some action, if that person drinks because they truly enjoy the taste of alcohol or because it's what you do at bars. Question is, why do we think so much about others...not even for approval, just the thought of someone thinking about us is enough to cause us to put a little more effort into our appearance or actions. WHY? i'll tell you why, because people like me stare at you, we study you, we enjoy sociology, we enjoy YOU and you enjoy us right back, we crave the entertainment, how you interact in groups...but don't you worry...although i do watch you, i am not thinking bad of you...just wondering, WHY? the most common word in my head when looking at someone and seeing their actions is probably the word (or sound) "hmmm". By all means, carry on with what you've been doing...i enjoy it. and I love you. You make the world a better place, and add a little spice to it.

5. Everyone is loved by AT LEAST one person. So why is suicide such a big issue? Maybe because we don't tell them or show them until their funeral. So many times I would love to know what the dead person is thinking in the casket...when people come by to "pay their respects"...probably something along the lines of..."wow, i wish they would've told me that when i was alive"..."i wish they would've told me how much they thought or me, or missed me". "Really, they thought I was a good person, I was a joy to others, and the life of the party?!" We don't tell people enough how important they are...we assume they know. When I am walking down the street (i rarely just walk down the street, but you get the point) and a stranger passes me, it makes me so happy when they smile at me, add an extra bounce in my step if you say hi. If my mom was to die tonight in her sleep...I would be able to write her a list, NO a novel of things that she was to me...that made her who she was to me, things i appreciate about her. why don't i sign off this stupid blog and go take her to coffee and tell her those things, or write her a list of those things NOW, while she's here? Because, i am lazy and she will be there tomorrow. WE TAKE THINGS FOR GRANTED, in a huge way...and we don't care. This needs to change.

6. I was informed that "Jack Knife in the quarter house...all i want to do is make you bounce" are NOT the correct words...i was told they are..."Jack Knife in the code of house"...but no, i was then told it was "Jack Knife in Dakotas House"...well i just looked it up people, and it's "Jack Knight and Dakoda House"...i have no clue who those two people are BUT they want to make you bounce.

7. I love politics. I hate politics. I enjoy getting to hear about our elections when i can (i don't watch any television) but i have vowed to start watching podcasts. I hate politics and church mixed together...when i was snowboarding in Mammoth last month i watched a documentary called "jesus camp"...i was left speechless. How adults were training up children to fight in spiritual warfare...3 year olds, in children's church...being told that jesus does not go into churches where people just sit in their seats quietly, he only shows up in places where people are jumping up and down. When kids church camps aren't fun anymore, and there aren't food fights...it catches my attention. instead when they pray for their breakfast the 6 year olds are praying to get righteous leaders in government and abortion clinics to close. Once again, it really made me think...who am I to judge if this is the right way to raise kids in church. I know how i was raised, how church was when i was young and how it is now....what a change. But when did that change start, i don't know. When do we we start learning things for ourselves instead of just assuming that people are right and taking what they say for face value...more than ever i have learned to dig deeper.

8. a 20 hour road trip in a van with 5 boys...is actually more bearable then traveling with 5 girls.

9. sex sells. imagine if girls today weren't the whores that they are...and we were actually feminists and stood up for ourselves. instead of burning our bras like they did back in the 60s we are ordering custom ones to hold our huge fake tits that will probably pop and sag in 30 years. yes, i said tits. (for you krys)

10. we always want something for free...we want music to be free, we don't buy it anymore we just steal it and it doesn't phase us (i do to, and i don't even feel bad)...i want a discount on a $200 watch, when i got it for free i was shocked but when we get to the point of expecting things to be free, yikes. blockbuster by my house shut down...why? because we steal movies and watch them on our ipods, yes...right now i have sleepless in seattle and sin city on my ipod, i did not purchase these. What's next...maybe fast food will be free soon, since it's so readily available...we are greedy.

my next blog, will be about the good in people. but for now, we are horrible and should focus on changing. hahah
goodnight. i am gonna go hand my mom a post-it with 5 things that i like about her written on it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Steph. In regards to #6, I was researching 'Jack Knight and Dakoda House' and your site is near the top (minus lyrics pages) of the search. Sadly, I noticed you and I were in the same boat as far as who, or what, Jack Knight and Dakoda House are; however, after a few minutes this is what I can say:

Jack Knight is one of the song's ('Touch It' by Monifah) writers.
Dakoda House Music is the publisher.