
Walls we couldn't move came crashing down...

Hi friends...If you haven't heard of a musician named Phil Wickham please go find his music immediately @ www.myspace.com/philwickham

I am excited. I am tired. I am all things good, right now. I can't complain. On top of that, my right leg is bouncing up and down as it usually does when I am working at my desk...it's a good sign, it means i have feeling in my legs, i have bones, ligaments and muscles...like i've said before, we take things for granted. DON'T. This weekend was spent in Los Angeles and in San Diego WORKING...but fun working. Some of you may not know what this is, it is when one enjoys their job so much that they decide to go on the weekends to shoot behind the scene footage of 2 music videos. I am worn out BUT, whoever you are...the one or two people that read this, get a sneak peak and some of the pics I took. They aren't being released to the public until the album release in a couple of months. I won't post them on myspace til i get it all cleared through the record label. See the photos at the end of the blog.

So I have some goals, not necessarily for 2008 but for life in general (those will come in the next blog). I have found myself wanting more and more time to myself, but that is almost impossible with my crammed schedule BUT the times I do get to spend in my room I enjoy reading, alot. here are a few thoughts that i read, thought about, and now i think you should think about these thoughts as well. hmm. things that make you go, hm.

"I think there are generally 3 things that people can do with a concept they don't understand: ignore it, fear it, or learn about it"

Obviously, the third alternative is the only productive choice and the only one that will lead to true understanding.

IGNORE: Ignored feelings or thoughts have to go somewhere, perhaps to the deep recesses of the sub conscience. They do not go away. Overt time these repressed feelings build up and then when the time does come to face the issue, the people who have previously ignored it are completely uneducated and unprepared to deal with it. Ignorance prevents them from being able to decipher their true feelings because they have denied themselves the opportunity to process any kind of personal opinion. They then become easily influence by what they have heard in passing, or by what others have told them or preached to them. Rather than self-educate, think and form their own opinion, their ignorance allows other to teach them an opinion.

FEAR: Fear is blinding. It grows wildly until it becomes so large it takes on qualities of its own and preempts any further attempts at reason.

LEARN: Education is the only thing that leads to understanding and acceptance. Experience is the best form of learning.

Chew on that for awhile. We need to always form our own opinions and be willing to learn and listen. That is from an amazing book, if you are interested in finding out which, just ask. Well that's it for me tonight. Goodnight! :)

AND NOW...Greeley Estates: (I am shooting a band called Beat Union this weekend, stay tuned for some sneak peaks of that as well!)

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