
the rhythm of a line of idle days...

check your pulse its proof that youre not listening to the call your life's been issuing you.

The rhythm of a line of idle days...

That last line has been repeating in my head all day, and I can't shake it out. So finally, I just made room for it...I swear all my brain holds are lyrics, usless facts, movie quotes, and the ability to remember code and the outfits I wore when I was 5. Well it has gotten me where I need to be the past 25 years. I was thinking today while sitting in my new office (finally)... How easy it is to get stuck in an idle position, in a routine...a pattern if you will. Some thrive on these said patterns others get stuck in a funk wondering how to avoid this vicious cycle. I finally figured it out. If for once you find yourself moving backwards or standing still you need to assess your situation...look at yourself, look at those you're choosing to surround yourself with...are you looking towards making things good in the future, being honest, being positive and making wise choices...if not, turn around and start walking to a better place. It may hurt for a time depending on what you're giving up...but you'll thank yourself in the end. If I end up all by myself and have burned all of my bridges at least i can know that I am a decent human being who lived life whole heartedly and loved to my full capacity without lying or holding back a damn thing. Good day to you.

1 comment:

Amber, Amberlyjoy, Amberlin said...

Good words. I concur... In fact the turn my life has taken backs it all up. We need to chat. I heart you!!