
lyrics from a random person from mars.

I've written songs about space and time

When you told me you needed to figure out life

I've sung the songs about backing away

Songs about love that fades away

I wrote about a love once contained

The kind of love that made my world change

Only to have it thrown in my face

Pencil to paper

Thoughts become words

I started writing down all the pages of hurt.

Forgive and forget…

Give the benefit of the doubt

Second chances

They never really worked out.

This is my last song

this is where I say goodbye

To a love I thought was true

I can't give you what you want this time

You had my heart for quite sometime

But when I tell you this

Please don't look me in the eyes

Something uncertain

You thought that I was

But come to find out

You were the uncertain one.

You thought you'd get hurt

By falling for me

But looking back now

I gave up my heart too easily

You called it special

what you and I were

use the term loosely

and it cheapens the word

I hope you're comfy in the bed we made

I lost my heart with one mistake.

Your words told me one thing

But your actions spoke more

One day I hope you learn how to open the door

And love with your whole heart

Even if its not me

Swore I'd never show you

The scars from being crushed

But somewhere along the way

I wasn't as strong as I thought I was.

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