
Mountain biking is insane.

I have a few fears in life....I hate birds, beaks, spiders, enclosed waterslides, being on a motorcycle on the highway, and mountain biking (apparently). I keep a magnet on my cabinet at work that says "Do one thing everyday that scares you." Last week I went to basically pet large and aggressive ostriches, nope...still not over that fear. About a month ago I got crazy and decided randomly that I was going to get on the back of my friends motorcycle & ride on the highway...um for like 140 miles. Today, Sarah (the same friends w/ the motorcycle) said...let's go ride on some trails today. I really had no idea what this meant or what I was in for when I agreed to go. First, I am asthmatic...second, I drink more coffee than water and third, I am from CA, we ride beach cruisers....and well, cruise. One gear. Never have to use brakes. And you never ever have to have a pack of water on your back. So I get on this trail and right away I know I am in way over my head....I realized this mainly when I saw Sarah jump off something. It also became very real to me when I tried to do something she was doing and my pedal got caught on a limb and I fell into a bush. All of that to say....I am doing things in life that scare me and make me feel alive. Feels nice to cross things off my bucket list.

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