
The List.

After attending/shooting the Womens Food Service Forum conf. last weekend they challenged us to make a list of goals that we could accomplish in 30 days. So here is my list:

1. Post an iPhone photo daily to my blog & a small story behind the image [I am really bad at this but this time it's happening.]

2. Redesign & relaunch both of my brand websites within the month.

3. Drink 8 cups of water daily [seems easy but if you only knew how much coffee replaces my water intake you would be concerned for my well being haha]

4. Go to the gym at LEAST 3 times a week.

5. Book 3 shoots in NYC.

There you go...seems attainable. I will keep posting updates on my progress! Thanks @creativelawgirl for keeping me accountable. Time to get to work...and to kick things off here's my first photo. I have a small obsession with vintage cameras....anytime I drive by a garage sale I have to browse. I ended up finding a camera that is worth $100 and bought it with the leather case for $5. I have a whole shelf of old cameras at my studio. Excited to be doing this!

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