

"‬People have enough to live‭, ‬but nothing to live for‭; ‬they have the means‭, ‬but no meaning‭.‬‮”‬‭ -‬Robert Fogel

Why are so many twenty-somethings quitting their jobs and hitting the road‭? ‬What are the common threads between us‭? ‬What binds us‭? ‬Is it a hunger for something more than a nine to five‭? ‬Is it the need to hear other peoples‮’‬‭ ‬stories to help us on our own path‭? ‬Are we realizing that security and comfort are merely societal constructs that‭, ‬in truth‭, ‬are holding us back from experiencing the passion of life‭? ‬

And what is the root of our discontent‭? ‬I believe it is a combination of our upbringing into a society that values money‭, ‬power‭,‬‭ ‬and success‭. ‬A society‭, ‬whose definition of success is so out of line with true happiness‭. ‬So what is the answer to our discontent‭? ‬I will take a leap here and say that ONE of the answers is to find fulfillment through helping and serving others‭, ‬rather than being so concerned about our own position in life‭. ‬I believe helping those in need fills us from the inside‭. ‬Are we recognizing the beauty in being laid off‭? ‬Are we realizing that maybe‭ - ‬just maybe‭ - ‬losing our jobs and our money was the best thing that could‮’‬ve ever happened to us‭? ‬

This is our revolution‭. ‬It‮’‬s a quiet and rather somber revolution on the outside‭, ‬but inside our stifling eight by eight cubicles‭, ‬we are screaming‭. ‬We are desperate for something more than what we were taught would make us happy.This is our call to action‭. ‬This is us giving ourselves permission to be free‭, ‬and in turn‭, ‬reconciling all of those who are searching for that same freedom‭. ‬



lauren said...
:) So happy for what you are doing and what you will do. <3 <3
JANUARY 31, 2010 5:38 AM

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