
Pleonexia & tic tac toe

A word that has echoed in my head for about one month. I tried to shake it off but it was lodged in my brain for good. PLEONEXIA.

"the insatiable desire to have what rightfully belongs to others"

"will pursue its own interests with complete disregard for the rights of others"

"to have a taste of something...and to lust for more."

"never being satisfied"

it's pretty simple. we are all faulty by nature BUT...we know better. Are we ever completely satisfied with where we are at that present moment? Something could always be better...someone could make us happier. There's always something to complain about...something to pick apart and overanalyze until it looks undesireable. We go through this not only in relationships but with everything. I had a job at a hospital....i enjoyed it, i mastered each position I was in, increased my pay and built my resume, but after awhile i dreaded it...i did NOT want to put on a business suit and go to work. i told myself that there HAD to be something better for me...something that fit me. I got the job at Hurley...LOVED IT, dream job. Web content & photography turned into web design. I did that for awhile and took something from it but ultimately decided i didn't want to do that...I didn't like it because it just wasn't "my cup of tea". Social networking is my thing...fun job. Now I sit here and think... I am blessed to have a good paying job that is flexible but is it REALLY my passion? am I ever going to do what I am passionate about? What AM i passionate about? I want to make a differnce and help people without concern for myself and how i'm going to make it in life. At what expense? I get rid of all things comfortable because i want something more. I have been writing about this same thing for 2 years. One day I will do it but seriously... am i always going to want what I don't have?


lauren said...

yes yes yes. this hit me hard. our minds are in very similar places right now. I'm about ready to "get rid of all things comfortable because i want something more"


corykhill said...

I know EXACTLY how you feel.


wow, it's crazy to reread these blogs from even several weeks ago...and how much progress we have made. i love you both.