
thoughts for a Tuesday.

I have a lot to learn.....a lot. I am almost 26 and am no where near the person that I am striving to be in many areas. Sure, I have accomplished a lot, I have done SOME traveling, I have an amazing job and have some talent. I need to use these more...WAY MORE. I find that I am very hard on myself...I have too many things that I want to do that often times I get overwhelmed before I even get started. As I was driving home tonight from work I decided that it is time to buy a new lens. It is time to start taking photos again and posting it on my blog. I love photography and I have let it die in my life because of busy schedules, moving...countless excuses. I don't want it to get lost in the mix. I also love playing music...how often do I get to do it, not very often. That is sad that there is not enough time to do the things that I am passionate about. I need to take a few things at a time, focus on them, and make time...having something to show for it. So starting tomorrow I am going to post a blog a day with a photograph that I have taken or with a photograph that inspires me. In 2006, I quit my job...took a couple semesters off of school and I traveled a lot, taking my camera with me everywhere. I miss that. I don't have that now but I need to make due with what I have currently and produce results as best as I can for the time being. If my passion dies, my heart becomes stale...and there's an aching in my heart right now to DO SOMETHING. Passion and career need to go hand in hand for me...I love trying things that are new, things that make me smile and feel alive...and making money doing so. So, there you go. Enjoy.


corykhill said...

You inspire me Steph. I love how passionate you are about your creativity and life in general. You're a girl after my own heart. Thanks for writing and for letting us in on your thoughts. Your words lift my spirit and give me a new found passion to do the things that I love. Thanks for being YOU.


Cory, I really appreciate that. Thank you for making me smile today. I still want to see all of your photos from your trip...maybe we can grab coffee and go through them. I am excited to start back with photography again and I still want to buy one of your paintings one of these days:)

I can't stop sneezing. said...

we are in the same boat, steph. That's right! The same boat!