
music and muffins.

So....that whole post a day thing hasn't been working out in my favour. Mostly because I crashed a dirtbike in the middle of the desert, smacked my head around and blacked out... i am having a hard time moving my body in general. but anyway enough about that. I came across this video on youtube and thought i'd share...i think it's just the cutest little thing ever...so sad, but so darn cute.


Smiley-Schmiley (Blog alter ego) said...

thats awesome

Amber, Amberlyjoy, Amberlin said...

Love it. One of my fave SP songs, too.

corykhill said...

Definitely my favorite Snow Patrol song... it's helped me get through some really hard times. I heart Snow Patrol and music and muffins all rolled up into a tasty emo dough. I can't believe I am actually going to post this.