
listen to your brain..follow your heart.

"sometimes your heart sneaks out before your brain can catch it..." -a wise friend of mine

Are our brains constantly keeping our hearts in check? The brain reminds the heart of the past, the pain we've faced in broken relationships, and the hurt we may have caused others. Hearts are forgiving by nature but brains hold on to things and talk sense into us when it feels the heart is being exposed prematurely. When our hearts so desperately want to forgive, let go and love...our brain tells us to proceed with caution. Although the brain can warn and protect the heart it cannot dictate what the heart is feeling. sometimes you are so completely overwhelmed with genuine love for a person that little things slip past so quickly the brain can barely process what happened. It's the little pieces of the heart that slip through that we need to grasp on to...the words that are spoken without fear or hesitation, they are raw...innocent and in their purest form. Take them and tuck them away...those words are rare.


mmcfarland483 said...

well, it's true.

lauren said...

How very very very true this is. Thanks for sharing.