
a small update...

leaving on a jet plane for a surprise trip to TX...or so i thought...

airplanes decide not to show so i get left in Vegas overnight. i meet Russian friends, we have steak & eggs and go out on the strip for 80's dancing and exploring in the freezing cold...

I finally make it to Texas over 24 hours past expected time of arrival...just in time for the Christmas party...

and Christmas Eve service with the McFarland's....

then back home for Christmas weekend with my family...

then i moved into a beautiful condo in Irvine with way too many BMW's and Mercedes...i got really allergic and sick from my roomates mammals and decided i wanted my own place back in Huntington Beach....

so i lived here for 5 days and moved on to a beautiful place by myself in HB with more room than i know what to do with. The fireplace is nice and there will be pictures soon...

melia came to visit me and we went to dland, the beach and on many adventures...

and new year's eve service in the fog...i am excited for 2009:)

oh, and chewy still sleeps in warm laundry...


Tina said...

You take really great photos. I'm looking for a photographer, would you be interested in taking a few photos for me?

mmcfarland483 said...

thanks for catching me up on the haps. :)


Tina...for some reason I just got this...a year later! haha still need a photographer?