
speechless over this music...

but you know I'll write anyway.

Seriously folks, there are just some nights where I sit in my room with low lighting, my big headphones on & search for new music....until I get THAT feeling. The one that makes me speechless. The one that makes my heart feel like a sack of mush...the music that makes me look forward to tomorrow more than I already did. The one that makes me feel lost but found all at the same time. That feeling that makes me want to hug someone. The feeling that makes me want to be alone...right here in this moment. Where the only thing that matters in life right now is this song. THAT feeling is one word...and I am searching for it.

Truth be told...I have fallin in love with music, with scenery, with feelings, with being alive...it's so easy. SO EASY. Many things in life come natural for me...others, not so much. Every day is a step closer to figuring out the unknown...little by little paint is added to the canvas of my life and soon I will understand & it will be beautiful.

Listen to the feeling behind what she is saying. Get lost in every expression. I want to reach out and grab what she's feeling inside...just once. Goodnight<3

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