
Ignorance is Bliss.

Good morning world. This morning I woke up, stretched & the first thing on my mind (besides the song stuck in my head) was Rick Perry. Unfortunate, I know. I woke up thinking about all of the talk circulating around him and his recent ad campaign. That didn't last too long before I started thinking about something more important than Rick Perry...something close to home, and that was all of the others around me that are just as ignorant as Rick.

When I was a kid the word ignorant always had a negative connotation regarding the persons character...basically, I thought it meant they were ridiculously stupid haha. I came to find out it simply just means "Lacking knowledge or awareness in general; uneducated or unsophisticated." Hey, I used to be one of those people...and maybe you did too. If you have ever taken something that someone else says at face value before doing your own research on a topic then yep, you're guilty too. It's how we deal and respond to this ignorance that matters.

Rick Perry's hatred towards gay people is really a bigger issue that needs to be addressed on a daily basis and I'll be the first to admit that I think about it all the time BUT I never do anything to help educate people. Now, in that..I am not saying that I am right and you are wrong...I am just urging people to take a different look. Dig deeper. Research with a loving and open heart. Raise your hand if you have looked beyond the few scriptures in the Bible about homosexuality. Have you taken what your pastor says and condemned and belittled many people in the name of Jesus because of it? Have you researched other laws and chosen to JUST follow the one about homosexuality but not the others. Picking & choosing what is convenient for us or what makes us feel most comfortable in our pew is one of our favourite things to do, but in doing that...we isolate a gigantic group of important and loving people and yes, I am one of those people you are isolating. ME. Steph. The same person I have always been...shocked? Yes, so were my parents years ago. I know I am here for a purpose and that purpose above all else is to show & spread love to others. To listen and not judge. To understand that no man is better than the other. To live true. To live a story that will hopefully live on when I die. So friends, let it be known that the purpose of this blog is NOT to get into a heated religious debate with you...that's not gonna happen [but I can't speak for my friends haha]. All I ask is that when you want to shake ignorant people and shake them HARD. Remember, it's our job to love, to make people aware...not to tear them down.

After all...IGNORANCE IS BLISS, RIGHT? [Not knowing something is often more comfortable than knowing it.]

"I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm a Christian. And I may not be in the church pew every Sunday, but I do know there is something wrong with our country when a governor of 11 years can openly disgrace the men and women of our armed services who are fighting abroad for our freedom this Christmas."



steph said...

wait...ARE YOU?!

Anonymous said...

yes, my straight parents made me this way. ;)