
that time i stayed up for 33 hours...

This night HAD to be documented because I haven't had a night/morning like this in a lonnnng time. I am going to start out this post with a question for you....How often do you take time out of your day to truly get to know someone?

"VV" drinking coffee at 4:30am.
Don't get me wrong...I understand that most of us are too busy to even get to know our own families...we are consumed with work, figuring out our own problems and being robots stuck in the same routine. I quit my job for 2 reasons and two reasons only: 1- to spend my day doing something I love...it is much more rewarding. 2- to make my own schedule so I could get to know people in my life and meet new ones. Well this weekend I cleared my schedule and just went with the flow.

I got ready at 1pm for a wedding I was shooting [TreeHouse Wedding Studio - Dallas, TX] in Weatherford, TX. We got to wear cowboy boots and jeans cause the wedding was in the sticks. 

Here's how the night played out after that....

Wedding in Weatherford, TX.
  • 6+ hours of shooting and meeting new people at the wedding.
  • Changed my shirt & headed out to Fort Worth with some friends to go country dancing. 
  • My friend VV (pictured above) and I were the only ones left over at 2:30am.
  • We spent close to an hour listening to Taylor Swift & talking about life. It was really the first in depth conversation we've had since we met a year ago. Sad but happens often.
  • Waffle House at 4am. 
  • 5am: Met an old lady named Francis (see old lady head in picture above.) I told VV i was gonna kick myself if I didn't know her story. She was from Portland, Maine & enjoyed breakfast by herself most morning.
  • 6am: impromptu trip to Walmart for grocery shopping? haha
  • 6:30am: our 9th cup of coffee that day on the patio.
  • 7:00am: my first motorcycle ride on the street. The sun was rising. I was scared to death but made it out alive.
  • 8:00am: More coffee & hang out time with Ali.
  • 10:30am: Fuzzy's tacos and acting ridiculous.
  • 11:30am: Random trip to the driving range haha
I calculated the next day that I had my cowboy boots on for 26 hrs straight.

Moral of this story...take time to listen. Take time to be random. Be spontaneous and laugh a lot. Soak up every moment. Make memories. Enjoy your friends...they could be gone tomorrow and you're gonna wish you got to know them better.

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