
here in this moment...

i like taking photographs because, for those of you who don't know, they freeze an exact moment in time. i look back at it and can feel everything that was going on in that image. I can remember smells and I get that warm tingly feeling in my heart. Brain snapshots are my favourite...I make them all the time when I don't have my camera around.

I am sitting in my mostly empty apartment...on my pull out couch bed listening to Bon Iver and remembering when I moved here from CA a year ago. It's almost surreal. I think back on how much I have gone through in a year, how much I have learned about myself and how many things I have accomplished. I have survived a year on my own...doing what I love and have met amazing people. Looks like I'm staying in Texas for awhile and I am so excited for a new chapter in my story. Night!


Ashley180 said...

you should write more Steph. You are highly intriguing, and I know I am not the only one who feels that way. I know we never really got to know each other very well since we met, but id like to! How does one get to know steph? lol. I see you as this interesting, jet setting, stylish, fearless, artistic woman who takes life by the reigns and never lets go. You seem to enjoy every second of your existence, and that is something that is contagious to those around you. I hope your life in dallas so far had been happy and enlightening for you :).

Unknown said...

Cool blog.
I'm also from California and write all kinds of extreme short and micro stories on my blog.
Be welcome to read it all comes in bilingual versions; spanish and clicking down in english.( do not use the web translator because it renders them incomprehensible.
I once worked directing the video for a wedding; with my film background, it got shot like a documentary beginning at the bride getting made up and dressed; the trip to the church and the party; with cuts to dancing feet, and candid dance moments plus funny people caught unaware.
During the dance I hand held the camera on roller skates, as i was swirled around by my assistant, getting some great shots.

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