
here in this moment...

i like taking photographs because, for those of you who don't know, they freeze an exact moment in time. i look back at it and can feel everything that was going on in that image. I can remember smells and I get that warm tingly feeling in my heart. Brain snapshots are my favourite...I make them all the time when I don't have my camera around.

I am sitting in my mostly empty apartment...on my pull out couch bed listening to Bon Iver and remembering when I moved here from CA a year ago. It's almost surreal. I think back on how much I have gone through in a year, how much I have learned about myself and how many things I have accomplished. I have survived a year on my own...doing what I love and have met amazing people. Looks like I'm staying in Texas for awhile and I am so excited for a new chapter in my story. Night!


in love.

i am not even joking. here's the thing...i LOVE bonnie raitt and usually i am not big on covers, but this one makes my heart ache and makes me want to cry for some reason. Probably because it's the morning and I am happy eating a warm blueberry muffin in my studio and drinking a cup of hot Foldgers coffee. Love is a crazy thing...it makes some write happy songs and some write songs that will leave your without your breath for awhile. I like what Adele said when writing her album...one song was about anger and frustration and the next was about giving in and letting her heart really deal with the issue. Music is my escape...music is my life.


remember that one time i...

summed up 2010 in iPhone photos? [next post...a few photos summing up the first 6 months of 2011] I really can't believe I am packing up my apartment and moving out this month after being in Texas a year.

pretty much explains my life:

words from 2009.

sometimes i go through my drafts folder in my blog and find words strung together that got lost in the abyss.

mildly exhausted
from tiresome clichés
the only things inside of us
are the words we did not say


Remember that one time i...

sang Jason Derülo? I havent love ballad-ed in a long time. I should get back on that.


thinking about my house.

So...in the back of my mind [since that's where I get most of my blog material from anyway] I have been stashing away thoughts of when I own a house and how I will decorate it. I get the most excited when I think of my backyard. When I close my eyes at night I see pictures like the ones above...I see friends sipping wine, dinner parties...soft music, lots of laughter and conversation. It makes me so happy to know that one day I will make this happen. One day when this is actually happening I will sit back and watch from a distance and think of this time when I blogged about it.

Also, I watched 17 Again for the first time tonight and I think it was sweet...what I don't think was sweet was that they picked Chandler to play Zac Efron. Mistake.

One more thing, I am going to start a topic on here called "remember when..." since I haven't blogged consistently in forever. I will catch you up on my life with old stories and photographs. I looked back to 2007 & 2008 and realized sometimes I would post twice in a day. What a loser;)

remember that one time i...

went to NYC in January 2011 but got stranded in a snow storm in Chicago and knew absolutely no one there and had to stay overnight? I made this video of my trip and the fun people I met along the way. [fun fact: i ended up sleeping in a rad loft overlooking Chicago and that silver egg thing in Millennium Park.]