
Timing & Donald Miller.

I only recommend books every once in awhile. This one...really came into my life at the right time. It's been on my bookshelf for over a year now. One evening in 2009 I was dodging cars in Greenwich Village in New York heading to meet some friends for dinner at Benito One in Little Italy. I was on one of my "solo adventures"...exploring the city all alone. I loved these trips. They were dangerous. They were full of life. They are the ones that seem to stick out in my mind the most. My plan was to eat dinner, have a glass of wine then I was off to see new things. After dinner, I quickly ducked into Barnes & Noble and ran right to this book...I had been wanting to pick it up. I went to a local coffee shop and sat myself down for hours. Reading. When later my friend Andrew, whom I had met on my last trip to the city, met me and he talked about how he was thinking about studying abroad in Buenos Aires. It was only a spark in his eye then. I got back home (California at the time) and got busy. This happened for a reason. I needed that section of the book in November 2009...shortly after that, I quit my 9-5pm job and decided to start something new, to begin a new chapter in my story. Recently, I saw this book on my bookshelf...so much has changed. I am now living alone in Dallas, TX...doing work that I love, away from my family, but meeting amazing people and seeing new places everyday. I read the last half of the book last night and this morning. Over a year later and it's EXACTLY what I needed to hear when I needed to hear it. I went back to the city a few months ago and Andrew and I said our goodbyes, we barely caught each other...he was off to Beunos Aires to write more of his story. I admire that in people...it takes courage. I challenge myself daily to live a more meaningful story, and so should you....anyway that you can.

I really suggest getting "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years" and reading it. I want to hear your story...I want to discuss this book with someone. I'll be reading it again soon. (click the image to buy)

What story are you telling? from Rhetorik Creative on Vimeo.

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