
Steph's Wishlist.

Hi. I will be 28 soon...well in May and I thought I would make a simple wishlist for my bday & Christmas because I always forget when people ask what I want. (click images)

1. My good friend Michelle is ridiculous amounts of creative. I think we should all support her work. Take a gander. These coasters need to be in my apt.

2. I had the pleasure of working with Sean Woolsey at Hurley in Orange County, CA. He is a hilarious human being and one of the most creative individuals I have ever met. Do yourself a favour and look at the things he builds with his bare hands. I would like this lamp.

3. The holga attachment for my camera. Sure it's cheating but I would kick myself if I didn't try it.

4. Cause I just sipped my coffee & it's colder than a witches tit in a brass bra:(

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5. So I can sing even louder in the shower.

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OneGirl.vs.theDark said...

yes, may is just around the corner. i thought of you when i was thinking of my own birthday recently. it will be here faster than you might expect. :) i hope you get all that you wish for. - Debs

MariaSsss said...

great pictures / textures
